

"Walks like Python, Runs like C" for open source RF/Microwave engineering

Main Features

Marconi.jl is a library for analysis and plotting of linear RF/Microwave networks. It aims to give similar functionality as the wonderful scikit-rf library in pure Julia. While focusing on linear network analysis now, we hope to implement some non-linear analysis as well as instrument control in the future.

Library Outline

Coming Soon

Depending on the progress of some other libraries, Marconi.jl would like to include in the near future

Using Marconi.jl

To use Marconi.jl simply use the Pkg REPL

] add https://github.com/kiranshila/Marconi.jl

or from Pkg itself


In Publications

If you use Marconi.jl in your work please cite us with something along the lines of

Made possible with Marconi.jl, a Julia Library for DC to Daylight